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The Miserable Effects of Heroin Abuse

Heroin Dependence

Have you ever heard the phrase "married to heroin"? This phrase describes the marriage like relationship which someone who is addicted to heroin has. The average heroin abuser wakes up in search of the drug, and goes to bed on a high off of the drug. However, unless they have large quantities in their system, their supply will wear off during sleep. This often leads to sickness once the addict awakes. When a person is addicted to heroin, they must either have it in their system or by their side, which ultimately feels like being "married" to the drug. In essence, it becomes their best friend, their mate, the love of their lives- they soon find themselves forsaking all others for it.

Becoming Addicted

While there may be no average demographic for a heroin addict, there is an average amount of time which it takes to become addicted to the drug. Many heroin abusers will say that after three days they were hooked on the drug, and waking up with a need for it. With addiction symptoms mimicking the flu at first, many abusers believe they have come down with a cold or the flu, and begin to medicate themselves for these ailments. However, they soon learn that the only cure for them is another "tute" or shot of heroin.

Risks of a Heroin Addict

Heroin can be used by snorting, shooting up, or smoking. Individuals who use the drug for the first time usually snort it, although they may later begin to shoot the drug into their veins. This provides an instant gratification to the heroin abuser, though it also comes with additional risks. Those who shoot heroin into their veins stand a chance of getting diseases such as:

  • HIV
  • Hepatitis
  • Meningitis

These are a few of the diseases which can be passed along to intravenous drug users. However, when a heroin abuser is sick, they hardly think about the consequences.

When "Sick" Takes on a New Meaning

When most people hear the word "sick", they may think of someone having a cold. However, for a heroin addict this couldn't be further from the truth. Being "sick" means having chills, diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, gas, and a general feeling of unwell. This is definitely not a drug to be played with- no drugs are for that matter. When a heroin addict is "sick", their adrenaline kicks in, leaving them to do what is needed to get their drug. This is why it is important for them to be aware of drug treatment facilities. Being in a supportive environment to overcome this drug is important, and it takes more than medication. By the time heroin abusers seek treatment, they are in need of a program which nurtures the spirit, and can help to heal their bodies and minds. The mindset of a heroin addict is much different than a cocaine addict. Heroin is much more of a physically addictive drug, which means the average addict will need to feel better mentally and physically. This can be achieved with holistic treatment rather than just medication. The mindset will need to be nurtured back to a healthy way of thinking.

Get Help Now and Get Your Life Back

Whether a heroin abuser is using straws, needles or smoking a piece of "black tar" heroin- they will need a great amount of help to recover from their addiction. While there are many drugs which an addict can become addicted, heroin is by far one of the hardest to overcome. Thankfully, help is available, and for a drug like heroin- holistic treatment works quite well. Heroin abusers have to work on their way of thinking as well as their physical being. This is why holistic rehab is best. Coming down from such a highly addicted drug, it isn't advisable to trade it off for another. Holistic doesn't mean "suffer", it's just a way of minimizing certain aspects of treatment and replacing it with therapy which makes the addict feel great, and self sufficient without dependency. When asked, that is what most heroin abusers want- to be free of the dependency of drugs. With effective treatment, many addicts are able to recover and get their lives back. While it may take a bit longer for some addicts than others, getting one's body and mind balanced and back on track is a great first step to a positive future. Recovery does happen, and when it does- you'll find there's nothing better.

Drug Abuse